The Most Suitable Number of Files to be in Use – How and Why?

As promised, we keep presenting improvements and enhancements to our customers! Besides constantly caring for the successful online presence of your websites, our team has recently been working round the clock to provide you with a new super tool in cPanel – Inodes by SuperHosting.

Inodes by SuperHosting

The name may seem complicated at first sight, but the tool is actually super easy to use. And it has a single purpose – enabling you to see with just a few clicks where exactly in your hosting account the number of inodes is too big. That’s how you will know where to start “cleaning” and optimizing from. The tool will make your account more neat and tidy as it will prevent it from the state of “being clogged” with unuseful information.

What is an Inode?

Inode is each and every file, directory or a symlink in your hosting account. The new tool Inodes by Superhosting generates a list with the total amount of inodes and their distribution in your hosting account. The tool is available for all hosting accounts as you can find and enable it by going to the SuperHosting Tools section in cPanel.

Why We Developed Inodes by SuperHosting?

It is a good idea to keep an optimal number of files and directories on your hosting account so that your websites and applications work properly. This contributes to the:

  • Quick Access to Files and Directories;
    Keeping an optimal number of inodes in your hosting account speeds up your applications.
  • High Performance of the File System;
    A tiny number of files and directories accounts for the easier processing by the file system. Access to the directories is faster and it does not slow down the server’s IO system.
  • Easy Backup;
    Backup systems depend on the number of files and directories that are being processed. The optimal number of inodes makes backup much easier.

Our previous experience shows that a big number of inodes is usually a result of piled up temporary, log and cache files or emails resulting from the execution of cron jobs as well as old or unnecessary information. We recommend that you make a deep scan of your account using Inodes by SuperHosting and delete or modify such files.

Inodes by SuperHosting enables you to review the total number of files and directories located in the account. By doing this you can easily analyze the account’s contents as well as keep and support only the really useful information.

List of all the files and directories in the hosting account with Inodes by SuperHosting

You can also view the number of inodes in your hosting account by going to your customer profile.The stats is available under the Hosting Accounts menu. Select Details and then go to the Resource Usage sections -> Details. There you can review the values for the number of files and directories (Inodes) for the last 60 days. Thus you can analyze how the number of files and directories changes day by day and reduce the unnecessary information in your account.

Number of Files and Directories (Inodes) in your client profile

Last, but not least, we all know that a successful website’s development is tightly related to adding information to it. Isn’t it? And if the shared hosting plan does not fit you well enough anymore, do not worry. We also have other hosting solutions that provide different levels of flexibility to different requirements such as VPS or ManagedVPS. Do not hesitate to contact us so that together we can select the best hosting solution for your website.

Tips from the Support:
Try to keep an optimal number of files and directories in your hosting account. It is a great idea to uninstall all unused systems. This way your account will contain only the necessary data and your websites and applications will run fast and smooth.

If you are using website caching, switch from file caching to using Memcached or Redis since they keep cache in RAM, but not as files.

Have you seen or tried Inodes by SuperHosting yet? We will be very happy if you provide us with useful feedback! 🙂

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