What is About to Happen on the 12th September?

Over the past few years the idea of offering, managing and maintaining a high-quality hosting service has considerably changed. Today providing bandwidth and some disk space with cPanel does not cut it anymore. We always strive for achieving the quality of service that suits your needs in the best possible way. Thus we help customers focus on their business so that they can benefit from their web presence to the maximum. We do not compromise on quality. And believe that we can do things in the best possible way.

What is up Next?

Starting 12th September 2016 we will launchs our brand new hosting plan.They include all of the improvements and fixes described above as well as any other upcoming changes. You can read more about the main features at:

  • There will be no hosting plan limits in terms of bandwidth.
  • All plans will offer easy and quick free SSL certificate installation.
  • They also have additional SPAM protection (standard with the SuperStart plan and intelligent with SuperPro and SuperHosting plans).
  • Many more server resourcesfor SuperPro and SuperHosting plans
  • WordPress Manager enables you to manage your websites with ease!

But what do customers get besides the usual service parameters?

А DDoS defense system which applies to our entire infrastructure! The system is available for the two ISPs that cover independently the overall capacity required. We consider this more than necessary. We did not only work hard on the DDoS defense system, but also put a lot of effort into the SH Protect system that detects and prevents hundreds malicious activities every day. All websites are regularly checked and whenever necessary – cleaned. Security checks are an ordinary, everyday activity for SuperHosting.BG’s team.

After we released the SH Protect system, the number of hacked websites decreased by 90%. How important is that? Other hosting companies offer similar services, but their prices reach hundreds of dollars per year for a single website.

In the beginning of 2016 we implemented a new platform for offering our hosting services. Thanks to it, technical equipment of last generation and the whole necessary information such as files, mailboxes, databases is stored on SSD disks. So SuperHosting.BG’s services are now ALL SSD! We know how important a site’s loading speed is not only for users, but also for good SEO ranking. But this is not an offering for our new customers only. We started migrating our existing customers’ websites to the new platform as we began from the oldest ones who have stayed with us for whole 11 years.

All these actions helped us deliver 99,99 % uptime for our services and increase performance boost up to 10 times without any further actions required.

Our customers get these as part of the services we offer. This way there are sure their website operates properly and is accessible so it is not blocked by Google, users’ browsers or anti-virus software. The improvements in our services increased more than twice the resource used by our customers!

Hosting plans will be updated with the new parameters a few days after the official release (12th September 2016), with no website operation interruptions.

Metodi Drenovski
Metodi Drenovski
Metodi is aware of all innovations in the digital world and he knows that a hosting service means a lot more than just providing space on a server. It means quality, reliability, security, customer service, complete web solution. Metodi's SuperPower is to develop SuperHosting.BG as a company and help our customers to improve their web presence.
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