Do you remember our jolly team? Some time ago we introduced you to our cheerful colleagues while celebrating our 10th birthday. But it’s been like forever since then! 🙂
Today we would like to tell you about our team’s SuperPowers. We did not realize we had them before we went to a team building a month ago. We are adding a video to prove this!
- It turned out that we all enjoy relaxing and having fun at the mountain.
- The camera loves us, but some of us happen to be camera-shy. 🙂
- We are great dancers even without music to dance to!
- We know each other so well that we can find one another with eyes closed.
- We can keep walking together even when our legs are tied. Literally.
- Our fastest team members are the developers – they run as fast as they code.
- We are great at overcoming difficulties (try the hoop exercise to understand what we mean). 🙂
- Well, to be honest, we love beer and water equally. 🙂
The greatest thing we discovered was that we fancy working as much as having fun together – as one cool team! We will keep introducing you to our SuperTeam or at least to a considerable number of its members.
Admirations for our colleagues who kept answering your queries and helping you even during our team building!