10 Free Tickets for Drupal Camp 2015

​For the fifth year in a row Drupal fans will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and experience during the most significant community event – Drupal Camp! By tradition the event will take place for two days on 28th and 29th November. The venue is the Software University, and you can find tickets on the event website. Or you can win them here! 🙂

What will happen and when it will happen?

28 November – Drupal Camp Day

This is the first day during which beginner and advanced drupalists will have the chance to hear and see presentations, which will be useful not only for programmers, but also for web designers and entrepreneurs. Keep your evening free, because after the serious part comes time for the Drupal Party, where you can ask questions and share ideas in a friendly and informal atmosphere.

29 November – Drupal Sprint Day

During the Drupal Sprint Day everyone can take part in the designing of a website for a good cause. If you have an idea for such a cause, you can put it forth until 19.11.2015.

During the Drupal Sprints Day experienced developers will code, while beginners will have the opportunity to get first hand valuable advice.

27 November – Drupal Training Day

The day before Drupal Camp is like the day before Christmas! 🙂 During this day you can turn from beginners into super drupalists. The miracle might happen if you take part in a training workshop! It is worth joining!

Who wants to win a free ticket?

 We are giving away 10 tickets to those of you, who finish the following sentence:

Drupal is my choice, because…

Please leave your answers as comments below this article not later than 14:00 h on 23th November 2015. The first 10 of you who leave a comment, will immediately win a ticket! 🙂

We are looking forward to seeing you next weekend in Software University!

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