Summer is here! ‘Tis the season to clean up our closets, fridges, or our schedule and basically tidy everything. During the scorching summer days we present to your attention a recipe of 10 ingredients that will make your blog lighter, fresher and ready to handle more visitors during the upcoming winter months.
1. The importance of quality over quantity
Regular short posts containing pictures and descriptions of your meals at fancy restaurants can increase traffic to your blog for a day, but visitors actually do not benefit from them. A big number of posts will slow down your blog and your posts will be much more difficult to discover when a user decides to scroll down the long list.
Start combining your interesting ideas and experiences in larger posts. If we go back to the lunch example, it would be a good idea to post one longer text entitled “7 Ideas for Lunch in the Summer Days”. Quality content will generate more quality traffic. It is possible that too many regular posts generate not so effective traffic compared to articles rich in useful content, posted once a week.
2. Find and remove broken links
A while ago we told you more about the different types of errors, appearing when you try to access a certain webpage. Google does not like them! At all. When a user Googles you and tries to access your website, Google bots start crawling it. Then broken links lead your visitors to the error 404 page. Such pages might be deleted articles which you linked. If there are too many broken links, Google will rank your blog lower in the search engine page results, so it will not be visited often.
Moreover, when a user tries accessing a broken link and faces “errors” a number of times, they will lose trust in your website and no longer visit it.
How to find “broken” links?
You can do this by using the Google Search Console. After you go to the Search Console account for your blog, select the Crawl -> Crawl Errors option that will show you not only the number of pages “Not Found”, but also which exact links lead users there.
3. Optimize your blog’s images
Images are a fundamental part of each and every blog since they add value to content and make it easier to comprehend and remember. There are certain types of blogs such as travel blogs, where images play a huge role in the content published. However, you need to find the right proportion between the file’s size and quality. If the picture is too small, it will not look good when published. If it is too large, it will slow down the website and will not be liked by Google.
We recommend image compression, but not to an extend that the quality is completely lost. It is a good idea to remove older pictures from your blog or just resize them to a smaller size than the newer images.
Choose the right format. You need to select the most suitable format for every different type of image on your website depending on whether it is a logo, painted image, photo or other.
4. Remove all unnecessary files from your hosting account
It is a good idea to keep the tiniest possible number of files and directories on your hosting account so that your blog works properly. For this purpose just remove all unnecessary files and “unload” your website. This most surely will improve your blog’s performance and optimize the resource usage of the hosting account.
5. Remove drafts and outdated posts
Go back to your old posts’ history and delete the irrelevant ones. Also check your drafts. You might have had a great idea and wrote it down two months or a year ago. If you do keep unuseful drafts, just remove them. Sometimes we pile up hundreds of drafts and use this functionality to write down things that inspire us. However, it is a better idea to take notes in a file and use the “draft” option only when we really plan to publish an article and it is almost ready. This will refresh your blog and make the administration much more neat and tidy.
6. Remove unsuitable categories and tags
Organizing your blog is a crucial part of the “tidying” process. That’s why you should get rid of all unsuitable categories and tags. This way not only your blog will be clean and organized, but also users will be able to navigate through it much more easily. Just like most bloggers you may be have tags used only once or twice? Or you might have had an idea for a category, and then created it, but it is now still empty? Well, it is better to remove all of those and organize your posts into several groups and topics and tag what is common among them.
7. Update your plugins and remove the unused ones
It is fundamentally important to update regularly the used plugins on your blog. Google also monitors this. The “bad” and old versions of plugins are not liked by Google and this may harm your blog’s popularity. Plugins can also slow down your website if they are too many or require too much disk space. Updating regularly is very important for your website’s security. A big number of malicious activities are due to vulnerabilities in old versions of plugins, themes or systems. So update the ones you use and remove the unsuitable others.
8. The “About Us” should be Up-To-Date!
Update the page that gives more information about you. Enrich your personal description with your achievements such as “Only for 3 months our blog got 3000 followers on social networks” or “The author has successfully completed a photography course.” You might have created an account on another social network and missed adding a link to it – do it now!
9. Delete SPAM comments
SPAM comments damage your online reputation. If you have allowed comments bellow your posts it is a good idea to look through them and remove all comments with unsuitable content. Such comments include irrelevant ones, comments with abusive content or repeating comments posted multiple times.
10. And now, for the cherry on top…
Do you own a WordPress blog? Take advantage of all features, available in our SuperTool WordPress Manager, which you can find in your hosting account’s cPanel.
- Speed up your website just per click so that it gets even faster.
- Install SSL certificate with ease so that your website gets even more secure.
- Make your blog a safer place..
- Тry all other functionalities the tool’s features.
We rolled up sleeves and started cleaning up our SuperBlog. What about you? 😉