Why You Shouldn’t Abandon Your Online Projects?

Do you know the reason why many web projects fail?

Because people behind them give up even before giving their projects a chance to develop.

Read the following lines before deciding to abandon your idea:

  • Joanne Rowling began writing Harry Potter when she was unemployed, divorced, on the verge of poverty and took care of her little daughter all alone. She was turned down by 12 publishers before finding such tremendous success.
  • Thomas Edison failed 10.000 times before successfully inventing the light bulb.
  • Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for “not being creative enough”.
  • Henry Ford filed bankruptcy for two companies before establishing Ford Motor Company as we know it today.
  • Stephen King’s first novel Carrie is among the most rejected novels of all times – 30 publishers said “No!” to his face.
  • Nicholas Woodman caused two bankruptcies of two different companies before creating the GoPro camera.
  • Colonel Sanders – the founder of KFC – got his recipe turned down 1.000 times from local restaurants before one of them included it in its menu.

So do you know what’s the difference between those people and all the rest? – They never gave up on their ideas.

… As much as difficult it was.
… As much as desperate they were.
… As meaningless as everything may have seemed.
… As many failures as they had.

So what most often stops us to go forward?

Faith in our own abilities.
The belief that what we do matters.
Believing in our own ideas.
Or more likely – the lack of these beliefs.

Each individual contributes with his work and talents. Everyone is important and deserves to express their ideas and wishes. You don’t have to prove yourself. Just don’t give up on your right to create.

Imagine that your idea could help hundreds or thousands of people…
If you are not on your best place right now and you feel like giving up on everything, let us remind you some universal truths:

All good things require patience.

We all strive to see the result from our efforts as soon as possible. As if it is some kind of magic. We want to:

  • Always get the green light at the traffic jam.
  • Have our food delivered immediately to the office.
  • Get message replies immediately.
  • Have the perfect romantic relationship with no effort.
  • Develop a successful business from our first attempt – within weeks of months.

Unfortunately, in life all valuable things take time. And this happens for a reason. So that we can appreciate the efforts we invest.

Every change which you make on your website (especially when it comes to SEO optimization), may take months until visible results are achieved. The same goes for establishing your brand image.

At the beginning users do not know you. They take a quick look at your advertising materials or your website. If you are persistent enough, your web project will become more powerful, and sooner or later you will enjoy satisfying results.

You can really earn good money from your online project.

Each idea can be monetized as long as you focus your efforts in the right direction.

Remember: As good as your idea may be, marketing and advertising are the ones to further develop it.

Experiment! Try something new. Get to the end of your intellectual abilities and creative resource.
It is important to remember why you do what you do.

Get back to the time when you gave your idea a chance. What pushed you towards making the first step? What inspired you? What was your idea of success? Be honest and admit why you wanted to make it happen.

This will help you stay focused. Use your insights to get inspired and motivated again.

Very often we do not take into account the small steps we made towards our progress.

Have you ever underestimated your success? “Yes, but I can also do better!”. It is possible that your idea simply needs to develop at a slower pace. Think about the small victories you have gained all that time. And the little progress which is a reason enough to move on.

People are always more critical to themselves than to others.

And very often we want to be impeccable in what we do. But this is impossible. We believe that the ones around us will respect and adore us if we do not make mistakes, focus on details, have lots of skills and deal with everything. We often underestimate all the workload we have.

Most probably neither your idea, nor your website is as bad as you think. Share them with your friends and beloved ones. They are most likely to provide you with constructive feedback and you might improve some areas then.

Of course you can!

We learn by experimenting.

A man with a brilliant mind once said: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If you think your web project is not moving ahead, try something new:

  1. Speed up your website. Users might not fancy visiting your website if it takes ages to load. You can solve this problem when take advantage of our SuperTools – Memcached, Redis and SuperCache Manager. They can make your website up to 10 times faster. Activate them from your cPanel and see the results… ☺
  2. Change the messages on your website. Start thinking in the direction: Why am I doing this and what added value can I offer to my users? Think about the kind of people you would like to attract to your website and make its content suitable to their preferences and expectations.
  3. Change your website’s appearance. If you are bored from your current website and you think it does not help you achieve your purposes – redesign it! Choose a new theme or just change the places of few sections, replace few pictures with a video or other images, experiment with colors of combinations.
  4. Put calls to action. Look through your website and analyze whether you stimulate users to perform certain actions by using clear messages: Check out here. Read more. Buy now. Subscribe to my blog. Use more CTA and see the difference.
  5. Advertise your web project… On Facebook; Instagram and Google. Take advantage of our promotional codes to advertise your website by using Google Ads. This will increase the traffic to your website up to 3-4 times and you will enjoy many visitors.

This is only a small part of the changes you can perform on your website. Be brave and persistent!

However, giving up doesn’t always mean a failure.

You went the wrong way? Start anew. It’s never too late!

Now you have much more experience and know what to be careful about. It’s not shameful to give up. You can move on with a new idea or improve the old one.

Do not stop believing in yourself. Be courageous!

  1. You always learn from your failures and mistakes.
  2. Other people’s opinions don’t shape your reality.
  3. Your courage and belief in your own abilities determine everything in your life.
  4. Nothing can progress without patience and persistence.

If you have a new idea for a website, reserve the best name and get a secure home for it. Choose the most suitable hosting plan and establish your web presence!

Focus on your business ideas and let us take care of your website!

Daniela Koleva
Daniela Koleva
Didi is part of the SuperMarketing Team. One of her many SuperPowers is her ability to cope with any challenge she faces on her way to success. Her positive attitude, wide smile and absolute professionalism, immediately gains the sympathy of everyone – familiar and unfamiliar with her personality. It doesn't matter if a friend or a client needs her help, Didi is always ready to cooperate and do whatever it takes to get the job done.
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