Security campaign

Do NOT Choose 123456 qwerty, test as a Password

Have you ever used 123456, qwerty or test as a pasword? Choosing a strong password is one of the most important elements for your secure web presence.

Protect the Sensitive Data in Your Hosting Account

Do you remember that the security week in our SuperBlog starts today? Monday starts with Step 1: Protect the Sensitive Data in Your Hosting Account.

Security Week in Our SuperBlog

At the time of the year when everyone is having their summer holidays we decided to prepare something useful and intriguing to read for the upcoming week.

Our Solution for “Hacked” Websites

We regularly scan all files in the accounts. In this way for less than 24 hours we get to know whether there are compromised files and immediately remove them.

SuperProtection or How We Protect Your Websites and Mailboxes

The Security system’s main components protect customers’ websites from the following attacks, as listed by their intensity.