
Google Takes the Next Step Towards a More Secure (HTTPS) Web, SuperHosting.BG Also Moves on With AutoSSL

Google’s plan for a more secure web is still in progress as the key tool for its implementation is the Chrome Web Browser.

Actual HTTP/2: A faster website and more

The latest HTTP/2 version was launched in 2015, bringing a number of advantages that improve the online experience.

What is an Intelligent SPAM Protection?

Our SuperTeam developed a special protection to keep safe our customers’ email accounts. We call it Intelligent SPAM Protection.

60% of all Customer Websites are Already Using Our New Hosting Platform

At the beginning of 2016 we integrated an entirely new platform for offering hosting services as we announced it during the summer of the same year.

New Improvements in Extended System Parameters as of April 1st

From the 1st April CPU time will be counted on a monthly basis. The 24 hours stats will be kept but the CPU minutes spent will be counted on a monthly basis.